Assalamu'alaikum/hello to all,
The Million Dollar HomepageHave you ever dreamt you were rich? To be honest, sometimes I think about it. Although deep inside my heart I know that it is close to impossible, I still dream about it. Sigh~~ Is it a bad thing?
Recently, I stumbled upon a website which is creatively built by a student from England. Later I found out that he has generated a gross income of $1,037,100 USD just from building this site. Huh? Would you believe that? How is it possible eh?
His name is Alex Tew, age 21. Initially, he had this idea of creating a site consists of a 1000 x 1000 pixel grid (one million pixels), and sells a pixel at US $1 per pixel. Basically, it is for business companies who want to advertise their products in his page. So the money that is raised from here will be used to fund his university education. He didn't even think that he could sell all the pixels but then he just went ahead with the idea.
And to my surprise, all the pixel grid are already SOLD OUT! Amazing! He is now a millionaire! Go here to have a look at his site: to the topic that I have raised before. Is it a bad thing to have a daydream of being a millionaire? Well, in my opinion, I would say yes! (Everyone can say their words here as I never said that I am totally right.) The desire to need and want more is definitely a disease! We should be thankful to God for what we are now. Do not be too materialistic as this will just make us away from God. We will love the world soo much until we forget about the Hereafter.
Thus, I urge everyone to remember death and the Hereafter! Reflect on the state of the grave after our death, which can be either a parcel of Paradise or a pit of Hell! Please reflect on this consistently so that you won't love the world TOO much and hence the desire for wealth, fame, prestige and all the things that the world has to offer.
Everyone in the world will someday die and stand before their Maker which is the ultimate destiny of all human beings! Remember this.. remember... and always remember....
May ALLAH bless us all.
On a side note, my GUBU friend, yasmin, is going to Cairo tomorrow for 9 days. So, I would like to wish you a safe journey and don't forget to always remember ALLAH when you are having so much fun!
The only pic of yasmin that I have. (sorry guys, she has already been taken, not me though.. sigh~~)