Sirah: Cerita Nabi Nuh |
Friday, May 26, 2006
Setelah hampir 1000 tahun menyampaikan ayat-ayat Allah, Nabi Nuh a.s akhirnya mengadu kepada Allah swt tentang sikap kaumnya. Lalu, Allah swt memerintahkan agar Nabi Nuh a.s membina kapal. Kedegilan kaum Nuh ini digambarkan oleh Allah swt dalam surah Nuh, ayat 7: Dan sesungguhnya setiap kali aku menyeru mereka (kepada iman) agar Engkau mengampuni mereka, mereka memasukkan anak jari mereka ke dalam telinganya dan menutupkan bajunya (ke mukanya) dan mereka tetap (mengingkari) dan sangat-sangat menyombongkan diri Sebagai seorang hamba Allah yang bertaqwa, Nabi Nuh a.s terus mempersiapkan kelengkapan untuk membina kapal di tengah-tengah daratan yang luas. Sekiranya Nabi Nuh mengutamakan logik akal semata-mata, sudah tentu suruhan Allah itu dipersendakan seperti apa yang berlaku hari ini. Bayangkan, sebuah kapal besar dibina bukan di Pelabuhan Kelang, tetapi jauh di Cyberjaya. Nabi Nuh as ditertawakan kaumnya. Nabi Nuh bodoh. Nabi Nuh gila. Nabi Nuh hilang akal. Nabi Nuh orang yang pelik. Nabi Nuh itu. Nabi Nuh ini. Terguling-guling kaum Nabi Nuh ketawa menggelakkan perbuatan Nabi Nuh yang tidak masuk dek akal itu. Tetapi Nabi Nuh as tidak peduli semua itu. Dia tetap bersabar membina kapal seperti yang telah disuruh Allah swt. Sikap kaum Nabi Nuh ini wujud sampai hari ini. Islam jumud. Islam pelik. Islam mundur. Islam ganas. Islam itu. Islam ini. Bergelak ketawa mereka yang anti Islam membuat pembentangan isu bertaraf "antarabangsa" yang isinya hanya memperlekehkan hukum Syariat Allah swt. Sehinggalah tiba saat Allah menenggelamkan bumi, Nabi Nuh as telah pun di atas kapal bersama orang-orang yang beriman. Lalu, apabila dilihat anaknya sedang mencari tempat perlindungan, Nabi Nuh pun mengajak anaknya untuk bersamanya di atas kapal. Tetapi dijawablah oleh anaknya (Hud:43) : Anaknya menjawab: "Aku akan mencari perlindungan ke gunung yang dapat memeliharaku dari air bah!" Nuh berkata: "Tidak ada yang melindungi hari ini dari azab Allah selain Allah (saja) Yang Maha Penyayang". Dan gelombang menjadi penghalang antara keduanya; maka jadilah anak itu termasuk orang-orang yang ditenggelamkan. Akhirnya, kapal Nabi Nuh as ini berlabuh di atas Bukit Judi.
Dipetik dari blog pakdi.. Nak tahu ulasan pakdi? sila ke blog pakdi di http://blog.pakdi.com/ :D
posted by toriq @
Doa Abu Nawas |
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Sila hayati~~
Doa abu Nawas Ilahi lastu lilfirdausi ahla, walaa aqwa 'alannaaril jahiimi Fahabli taubatan waghfir dzunubi, fainnaka ghafirudz- dzanbil 'adzimi.... Oh Tuhanku... aku tidak layak masuk syurga-Mu tetapi aku tidak pula sanggup menghadapi seksa neraka-Mu Maka kumohon taubat dan ampun atas dosaku sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pengampun dosa-dosa besar .... Dzunubi mitslu a'daadir- rimaali, fahabli taubatan ya Dzal Jalaali, Wa 'umri naaqishun fi kulli yaumi, wa dzanbi zaaidun kaifa -htimali Dosa-dosaku seperti butiran pasir di pantai, maka anugerahilah diriku taubat, wahai Yang Memiliki Keagungan Dan umurku berkurang setiap hari, sementara dosa-dosaku sentiasa bertambah, apalah dayaku Ilahi 'abdukal 'aashi ataaka, muqirran bi dzunubi wa qad da'aaka fain taghfir fa anta lidzaka ahlun, wain tadrud faman narju siwaaka Oh Tuhanku... hamba-Mu penuh maksiat, datang kepada-Mu bersimpuh memohon ampunan, Jika Engkau mengampuniku sememangnya Engkau adalah Pemilik Ampunan, Tetapi jika Engkau tolak maka kepada siapa lagi aku berharap ? |
posted by toriq @
Weirdo tagged by Hata |
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Weird things about me
Hmm~ this might be hard for me~ I don't really find myself as a weirdo~ My friends might have that kind of preception towards me, but at least i'm not thinking that way.. ooh wait... am i a weirdo??? Let's see...
1) I can easily get emotional when it comes to family issue. Whenever I read news about a son beating his mother, I will get mad.. GRRR.. Whenever I see small kids playing with their parent, I will feel peaceful.. LALALA~~ Whenever I see a movie about family issue like Kabhi Khusi Kabhi Gham, I will cry~ sob sob sob.. It's weird though that only family thingy can do all such things on me.
2) I have this kind of feeling that people like to befriend with me when they see me for the first time. But, when they have known me really well, they tend to get away from me.. but why eh? why? is this really true? or is it just my feeling? don't wanna comment about this.. but, rest assured that I do have best friends ok~~Hehe~
3) I couldnt remember all my friends in the past~ erk~ I know this is bad.. but, i cant do anything about it~ I have forgotten lots of my friends from primary schools or even from my secondary school (SMAPL).. Erk~ I really have poor memory on people.. Shame on me! (I always complaint about this to my younger sister, haha). So, my friends out there who read this, please please please forgive me if I cant remember your name, or even your face.. I just cant help it~ erk~
4) I didn't like food when I was young but now, it's totally reversed.. I LOVE food so much~~ Ohh noooooo~~ When I was in form 5, my waist lenght was 28" but now it is 33"... waaa~~ 6 years ago, I just ate once a day~~ But not, I will eat anytime when I'm hungry~~ In the past, I dont like chocolates at all, but now, I'm always craving for it~~ Erk~Why I'm at the extreme ends of eating habit? I wanna be moderate but it's hard~~ Waaa.. please please give me pieces of advice about this, will ya? (I'm crunching a bar of Kit Kat chunky while writing this line~ LOL)
5) I love Siti Nurhaliza ... hahaha~
Ok.. I guess thats all folks~ So, does that make me a weirdo? I don't think so~ hehe~ Later peeps.. Till we meet again..
Salam, toriq
posted by toriq @
Sirah : Thariq Ibn Ziyad |
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Assalamu'alaikum/hello to all,
My dad once told me that I was named after a great Muslim general, Thariq Ibn Ziyad, who led the conquest of Andalusia, Spain in 711. I googled about him and stumbled upon a blog which has some info about this Military Commander. So, I just copy and paste it here. Enjoy~
When Thariq had been informed of the approach of the enemy, he rose in the midst of his companions and, after having glorified God in the highest, he spoke to his soldiers thus: "Oh my warriors, whither would you flee? Behind you is the sea, before you, the enemy. You have left now only the hope of your courage and your constancy. Remember that in this country you are more unfortunate than the orphan seated at the table of the avaricious master.
Your enemy is before you, protected by an innumerable army; he has men in abundance, but you, as your only aid, have your own swords, and, as your only chance for life, such chance as you can snatch from the hands of your enemy. If the absolute want to which you are reduced is prolonged ever so little, if you delay to seize immediate success, your good fortune will vanish, and your enemies, whom your very presence has filled with fear, will take courage.
Put far from you the disgrace from which you flee in dreams, and attack this monarch who has left his strongly fortified city to meet you. Here is a splendid opportunity to defeat him, if you will consent to expose yourselves freely to death. Do not believe that I desire to incite you to face dangers which I shall refuse to share with you. In the attack I myself will be in the fore, where the chance of life is always least." (Tarik's Address to His Soldiers, 711 CE, from The Breath of Perfumes')Kalimat di atas adalah ucapan seorang panglima tentera Islam terkenal dalam sejarah Islam, Thariq bin Ziyad, ketika berpidato di hadapan 7,000 (?) pasukan muslim yang dipimpinnya dalam misinya mensyiarkan Islam ke Andalusia (sekarang Spanyol). Pidato yang menggelegar itu menjadi kobaran semangat yang maha hebat sehingga mengantarkan suksesnya menghadapi berlipat-lipat kali ganda pasukan musuh, yang konon sampai 25,000 prajurit bersenjata lengkap! Sedangkan pasukan yang dibawanya hanya bersenjata sederhana ala kadarnya (berharap bisa merampas senjata musuh untuk digunakan senjata). Apa yang dilakukan Thariq untuk menyemangati pasukannya? Kapal-kapal yang mengantarkannya beserta pasukan2 tentera ke Andalusia malah dibakar habis, sehingga tiada lagi cara untuk berpatah balik. Bagi Thariq, di hadapan adalah pasukan musuh, sedangkan di belakang adalah samudera luas. Kalau maju ke depan merupakan kematian, mundur ke belakang juga merupakan kematian. Pilihan yang serba menyulitkan! Akan tetapi keduanya merupakan kematian yang berbeda. Tinggal pilih yang mana satu menjadi pilihan. Entah kenapa, tiba-tiba saya teringat pada peristiwa ini. Seperti baru diceritakan kemarin, mendadak batok kepala dipenuhi oleh sebuah kisah indah keemasan Islam zaman dahulu.
Thariq Ibn Ziyad. Kisah indah yang semakin dilupakan oleh umat Islam masa kini. Entah, kisah itu bisa terulang lagi atau tidak. Sources: http://imponk.blogsome.com/, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tariq_ibn_Ziyad |
posted by toriq @
Negative Thoughts |
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Assalamu'alaikum/hello to all,
Negative Thoughts
We as human always like to judge other people. Having said that, we are not aware that having a bad opinion about others is harmful to brotherhood. It can also injure our own spiritual growth.
There are three things that are essential to become a good Muslim, if not better: 1. Relationship with Allah. 2. Relationship with other people. 3. Relationship with the environment.
Thus, the effect of negative thoughts to others may loosen the bond between our friends, or even our family. We need to be aware of this because we do not live in this world alone. We have other people around. Please do care about other people's feeling as well.
I would like to quote from a book by Hamza Yusuf entitled Purification of the Heart: Scholars have advised that one should even beware of forming conclusions based on the bad appearances of people, for it could be that God veils their goodness from others.
In the Qur'an, Allah says: O you who believe, avoid suspicion, for some suspicion is sinful (Qur'an, 49:12).
The prophet (pbuh) said: "Beware of a bad opinion because it is the most false of speech."
However, Imam Mawlud says that it is not forbidden to have doubts about someone's character if it it based on REASON and OBSERVABLE EVIDENCE. This is important because when such person give us some news, we do not believe them straight away as the news might not be true. Make note that suspicion without proof or little evidence tends to be judgemental, and thus it is not allowed in Islam.
Well, in my opinion, even if you have doubts about other people, please keep it to yourself. Do not spread it until it has proven to be true. Do not backbiting other people, that is, speaking ill of another person behind his/her back. Better keep your mouth shut rather than talking about others.
Salam, toriq
posted by toriq @
Happy Mother's Day , 14th May 2006 |
Saturday, May 13, 2006
As'kum and hello to all,
I would like to write about my beloved mother in accordance with mother's day which is celebrated throughout the whole world. My mother's name is Jamilah bte Anwar and I call her 'mama'.
 Mama with my niece~ my brother is at the back
Mama, If you ever read this, I want to let you know how much I really love you. It's hard for me to express my love with words whenever I call you, but I always remember you deep inside my heart. I have wondered so many times what I would have ever done without you. Thank God, I am the luckiest person on earth to have you as my mother. And Thank ALLAH, because you are always there for me.  Mama with my niece again, hana (isn't she cute?)
Mama, When I look back at the past, it always remind me of how caring you were. You have sacrificed a lot of your time, money and everything for me. I couldn't recall when you have ever bought your own dress? Each cent was spent on your children (9 children), and none left for you. It always touch my heart whenever I think about this.  My 2nd elder sister(Azah), my brothers(helmi and safri) and mama. This was taken when my 3rd younger brother went to a boarding school (MRSM Jasin) for the first time. Mama, you look sad in the pic, probably because you were going to be separated from adik, eh? hehe~
Mama, I am really grateful to be your son. Rest assured that I will never let you down. I know that I will never be able to repay all that you have done for me, but I will always take good care of you. One day, I will become a well-respected doctor, Insya-ALLAH. But, I will never be one without your doa and without your support. Pray for me, mama!  Mama and my sister in front of my house~ taken during Eid mubarak~
Mama, I always remember you (and dad too~) in my prayer. I always pray that you will be placed in Heaven in the Hereafter. "O Allah! Forgive me my sins, and the sins of my parents, have mercy on them both as they have looked after me when I was little"  Me and mama~ the last time i went back to Malaysia~
Mama, I need the whole sea as my inks to write about you. Every good words; generous, caring, wearmhearted, beautiful, kind - you name it, they all can describe you perfectly. But, most importantly, mama, I love you soo much! (Ayah, I love you too~ hehe). Happy mother's day! :D  Hana, me and mama at the airport waiting for the plane to get ready to fly high to Scotland~ hehe~~
Regards, toriq |
posted by toriq @
Ahmadinejad (Iranian President) Letter to President Bush |
Friday, May 12, 2006
AP - Unofficial Transcript of Ahmadinejad Letter to President Bush
Dear all, I got this from a friend of mine through e-mail. Yes, it is too long, but I guess it might benefit others who have the time to read it. In this letter, the Iranian President has made courage attempt to call Bush, the most powerful person on earth, to Islam. It is indeed a very interesting letter to read.
I would like to quote this from my friend: What counts in the sight of ALlah is not its 'success' but the 'effort' we, the Muslims, had put forth during our lifetime in spreading His words. May Allah give us courage to speak the truth and invite people to the truth of Islam.
Salam, Toriq
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5/8/2006 Mr. George Bush,
President of the United States of America
For sometime now I have been thinking, how one can justify the undeniable contradictions that exist in the international arena -- which are being constantly debated, especially in political forums and amongst university students. Many questions remain unanswered. These have prompted me to discuss so me of the contradictions and questions, in the hopes that it might bring about an opportunity to redress them.
Can one be a follower of Jesus Christ (PBUH), the great Messenger of God, Feel obliged to respect human rights, Present liberalism as a civilization model, Announce one's opposition to the proliferation of nuclear weapons and WMDs, Make "War and Terror" his slogan,
And finally, Work towards the establishment of a unified international community -- a community which Christ and the virtuous of the Earth will one day govern,
But at the same time, Have countries attacked. The lives, reputations and possessions of people destroyed and on the slight chance of the presence of a few criminals in a village, city or convoy for example, the entire village, city or convoy set ablaze.
Click here to read the rest of the letter |
posted by toriq @
Selamat Bernikah rakanku~~ |
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
As'kum/hello everyone,
Entry ini kutujukan khas kepada best friend aku yang sekrg nih sedang belajar medicine di Ireland. Sesungguhnya, semoga persahabatan kita berkekalan walaupun ko dah nak kahwen dah. Semoga perkahwinan ko bahagia abadi selamanya. Bilalah time aku nak kahwen nih~~. haha~~
 Kad muka depan kahwen
Nama best fren aku nih Azlan Helmy Abdul Samat. Aku panggil dia Lan. Kalau nak cakap pasal dia nih, rasanya seratus ribu ayat pun tak cukup. Mana taknya, budak nih sangat berbakat dari segala segi. Aku dapat merasakan yang dia nih bakal memegang pucuk pimpinan negara suatu hari nanti. So, lan, kalaulah ditakdirkan yang ko sampai ke tahap tuh, sila sentiasa berpegang dgn syariah Islam! Jadilah pemimpin yang adil.. tu jer nasihat aku.. hehe.. Buat pengetahuan ahli2 GUBU sekalian, dia nih sek men di SMAP Kajang, sekali dgn Ihab.. Ihab pun sangat berbakat jua~ agak2nya sumer budak SMAP Kajang hebat2 balaka.. hehehe...
 Me, lan, tomok, chelop and ihab. Lokasi: Calton Hill, Edinburgh
Dia nih memang best friend aku sehidup semati. Harap2 persahabatan kita berkekalan. Kepercayaan aku kat dia mmg 100%. Boleh ker percaya kat org 100%? Hmm. aku kurangkan sket.. 99.9%.. hehe.. sebab tuh aku kata kawan sehidup semati... Keluarga aku boleh la 100%.. kawan2 rapat 99.9% jer.. hahaha.. well, bukan dia sorg jer sebenarnya best fren aku.. banyak lagi.. sebagai contoh, sumer org dalam gambar kat atas aku anggap sebagai kawan sehidup semati.. :D
 Kad jemputan kahwen~~
Lan telah berpesan kepada aku untuk menjemput semua rakan2 kmys dan semua yang mengenali dirinya untuk hadir di majlis pekahwinannya. Lan, sorry sangat2 sebab tak dapat hadir. Aku nyer class tahun depan starts 3rd July.. so, camner aku nak hadir, kan? Minta maaf sangat2.. hehe.. Tapi, lan kata, nanti dia datang edinburgh kena bagi hadiah perkahwinan.. Haha.. nak bagi hadiah apa ek? Sila bagi cadangan please~~
 Lan di Loch Lomond, Scotland
Bak kata syazwan kat blog dia, ada org hargai persahabatan kita, tapi, kita tak hargai persahabatan dia. Rasanya bende nih memang berlaku. Ini maybe sebab semasa berkawan, kita tak berterus terang. Sebab tuh la jadi camtuh. Tapi, persahabatan aku dgn lan bukan macam tuh. Masing2 menghargai persahabatan yang terjalin. Biarlah bertemu dan berpisah hanya kerana Allah. Aku doakan semoga lan bahagia hendaknya. Paling penting bahagia di akhirat. Lan, jangan lupa doakan aku juga. (Doakan aku cepat kahwen ok?)
 Kad kahwen~ semoga kekal abadi..
Aku akhiri entry nih dengan mengucapkan tahniah kepada lan kerana sudah sampai waktunya berumah tangga. Ini juga merupakan sunnah Rasulullah. Semoga menjadi suami yang soleh. Jangan pukul isteri atau dera atau segala2nya. Hehe. Aku yakin ko tak buat camtuh. Semoga mahligai indah yang terbina akan utuh dgn nilai2 murni Islam.
Waaaa.... Nak kahwennnnnnnnnn~~
Salam, toriq
posted by toriq @
An Update about My Life |
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Dear all my friends,
I was very busy lately doing my case report. I'm so sorry that I didnt reply to your messages because I havent got time. Moreover, I'm going to have my final exams for Year 3 in three weeks time. So, please do pray for my success. To all my fellow bloggers, I'm sorry that I haven't visited your blog for quite a long time.
Anyway, yesterday was the last day of my presedential status of Edinburgh Malaysian Students Association! Yahoo...! Yippie...! I am free at last! hehehe.. Having said that, I have had precious experiences in my life that will never ever be forgotten. It wasn't easy to become a leader... Trust me.. ;)
Well, that's all folks.. Till we meet again!
Salam, toriq
Edited: I went to szakif's blog and saw his pics. So, I would love to show my latest pics as well..hehe.. Enjoy!
 Me with Scotland cap!
 Camwhoring on the bed!
 Me again~~
 Without the cap.. hehe...
posted by toriq @
2nd Hadith of Imam Nawawi's Forty Hadith (Part 2) |
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Penulis blog sangat sibuk kebelakangan ini.. so, tak dapat nak ulas sambungan hadis nih sekrg.. mungkin akan berbuat demikian apabila free kelak.. terimalah sambungan hadis ini..
Si pemuda : Khabarkanlah kepada ke tentang Iman ?
Rasulullah : Hendaklah engkau beriman kepada Allah, Malaikat-MalaikatNya, Kitab-KitabNya, Rasul-RasulNya, Hari Akhirat dan hendaklah engkau beriman kepada taqdir Allah yang baikNya atau yang burukNya.
Si pemuda : Benar katamu ! Khabarkanlah kepadaku tentang Ihsan ?
Rasulullah : Hendaklah engkau menyembah Allah seolah-olah engkau melihatNya. Sekiranya engkau tidak dapat melihatNya sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa dapat melihat engkau.
Si pemuda : Khabarkan padaku tentang hari kiamat ?.
Rasulullah : Tiadalah orang yang ditanya itu lebih mengetahui dari orang yang bertanya.
Si pemuda : Khabarkan padaku tentang tanda-tandanya ?
Rasulullah : Apabila hamba perempuan melahirkan tuannya sendiri ; Apabila engkau melihat orang yang berkaki ayam, tidak berpakaian, pengembala kambing ( berbangga ) membina bangunan yang tinggi-tinggi.
( Kemudian beredar keluar sipemuda itu dari majlis tersebut )
Rasulullah : Tahukan anda wahai Umar siapakah pemuda yang menyoal aku tadi ?
Umar Al-Khattab : Allah dan RasulNya jua yang mengetahui.
Rasulullah : Itulah Jibril a.s yang telah mendatangi aku untuk mengajarkan kamu pelajaran agama kamu.
Salam, toriq |
posted by toriq @
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Name: toriq
Home: Kajang, Malaysia
About Me: I like to be me.
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